Curriculum List

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$25 to purchase a Workbook
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Chumash Skills

This curriculum helps students grow in their Skills to learn Chumash. It includes lessons and activities on the 5 Chumashim, Taamei Hamikra, Gematria, Prefixes, over 200 Shorashim (verbs), Common Millim (nouns), Suffixes, and how to learn Rashi. It also comes with a Teacher's Guide.
Click here for Sample Pages.



This curriculum teaches Chumash by topics. It begins with a set of Pesukim and their translations. It continues with comprehension questions and Rashis. It finishes with review pages and/or a review game.
Parshiyot Available so far: Vayeitzei, Vayishlach, Vayeishev & Mikeitz; Shemot & Vaeira; Bamidbar, Naso, Korach & Chukat; Devarim & Vaetchanan. New Parshiyot can be created upon request!
It also comes with a Teacher's Guide.
Click here for a Sample Topic.


Jewish Numbers

Yediyot Kloliot: The information is organized in order of numbers. There is a workbook with worksheets and a song for each Jewish Number so students get to internalize the information. There is also a set of cards for students to collect! 
Click here for Sample Pages.


Pirkei Avot

This student workbook is filled with graphics, activities and lessons for every Mishnah that is taught. There are also many stories for students to enjoy. It also comes with a Teacher's Guide.
Click here for Sample Pages.


Hebrew Language

Hebrew Vocabulary Lists on topics such as classroom, questions, feelings, colors, pronouns etc. Plus a few short stories to teach Hebrew reading comprehension.
Click here for Sample Pages.



This curriculum teaches students the Yiddish Language. It has lots of vocabulary, games, songs and Holiday activities throughout the year. It's great for beginners too! There are 12 chapters in this workbook. It also comes with a Teacher's Guide.
Click here for Sample Pages.


Biur Tefillah

Helping students understand what they are davening is important and it enhances their Tefillah. This curriculum, called "My Day the Jewish Way," starts from Modeh Ani and goes through the day and how it helps connecting to Hashem. It can be done in scrapbook form.
Click here for Sample Pages.


Classroom Signs

Decorate your classroom with bright and content-filled signs! There are ones with construction or game rules, ones with Alef bet in Rashi and Gematria, ones for a reading corner or for the Hebrew months, there is even a Jewish History Timeline and more!
Click here for Sample Signs.


Dvar Torah

Each week, there's a Pasuk with a deeper explanation. The students learn it on a Parsha Puzzle Piece! They can be copied back to back on colored paper, hole punched and put on a ring. Students love having something nice to share with their families.
Click here for Sample Pages.


Haggadah Shel Pesach

This is what you need for a complete Haggadah Shel Pesach. The papers can be put into a portfolio with plastics so it stays stain-proof for the Seder! There are lots of hidden insights and Divrei Torah for families to love.
Click here for Sample Pages.


Jewish Holidays

Teach your students some key Mitzvot and Minhagim for the Jewish Holidays throughout the year. Some pages include: Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah, Tu B'shevat, Megillat Esther, Shavuot and more!
Click here for Sample Pages.


Kriyah & Ktiva

Help students learn how to read or brush up on their accuracy or fluency. There is practice on Alef Bet letter recognition, the vowel sounds and sight word practice. This is also great to brush up on Hebrew script.
Click here for Sample Pages.

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